A word from Director Philippe Ducros

As the Earth revolves, parts of its population move ahead of it, crossing borders, arriving in a precarious “elsewhere” they must now call home. People talk about it a lot, these days. They create charters, they try to identify differences, they apprehensively scrutinize the unavoidable metamorphosis of host societies caused by the arrival of these “migrants”. We often forget, or we prefer to overlook, that these migrations are in great part the result of upheavals that Western societies have given rise to and still cause, during the eras of colonialism, the cold war, the war against terrorism, and globalization.
Who are these people arriving on our land? What are they carrying within themselves? With Bibish de Kinshasa, we invite you to discover what one of them is carrying in her luggage. As always, it’s a whole world that opens up, a complex universe, made of moments of life buried deep within.
Bibish, Gisèle and Papy have left what the author calls the “mining scandal” that is their country. They now live here, in Canada. I hope this show will confirm, in them as well as in us, their host society, the feeling that this is “home” here and they are part of “us”. I thank them with all my heart for their trust and their friendship.