Did you know? – Winter 2019

This winter, our artists are embarking upon many new projects! Fellowships, new characters, great classics, and even a rock album: the beginning of this year will be filled with emotion and excitement.
Félix Beauchamp, who will be on stage in Le Soulier, released his first rock album with the group People Walking By (Toronto). The songs are all available on Spotify and iTunes. Besides, he is currently playing the role of Jobard Jr. (a young selfish and sometimes unpleasant security agent) in the new TV show for kids Le monde magique de Lorenzo (Media TFO Group).
Leanna Brodie (translator of Le Soulier, this season) will attend a laboratory in early February in Montréal, at théâtre Deux Mondes, for a translation workshop on Inventions à deux mains by Sébastien Harrison which will premiere in May in Toronto. She is also working on Violette, a play in situ and in virtual reality by the inclusive Quebecer company Joe Jack et John. Finally, she will keep on working with Jovani Sy on the play Salesman In China.
Before their appearance in May in Vancouver, Philippe Cyr and Gilles Poulin-Denis will present Ce qu’on attend de moi at Usine C from March 13th to 15th and then at the NAC French Theatre from March 26th to 30th.
Natalie LeFebvre Gnam works on the project In traduction [le manifeste], which is the continuation of a multi-year cooperation with the artist Evann Siebens. A concept where dance and media coexist to explore the world of translations, through different languages. The play is one in a series produced by the Plastic Orchid Factory, in conjunction with PuSh festival.
Cory Haas (Deux ans de votre vie, Satu Quo) just received an award from Canada Council for the Arts to attend a residency at House of International Theatre in Copenhagen in 2019. This residency should enable her next project, a creation, by her own company Stages Theatre Co., adapting the Scandinavian crime thriller literary style for theatre.
Émilie Leclerc (Unité Modèle, Bonjour, là, bonjour) has just been nominated for the Ovation! Awards for her role in A Charlie Brown Holiday Double Bill, at Carousel Theatre. Besides, she is directing and designing a new project with Association Francophone de Campbell River, Au-delà des mots/Beyond Words, a bilingual play on the transmission of French language in British Columbia. It will be performed in Campbell River (at Rivercity Players) on February 16th and in Comox (at École Au-coeur-de-l’île) on February 17th 2019.
Anaïs Pellin is just coming back from a residency in Winnipeg at Cercle Molière with La Pire espèce, a well-known object theater company from Montréal. During this theatre laboratory she was able to explore the connection between texts and objects. She is also working on a puppetry show about homelessness, in partnership with la Boussole, and which will be presented at the annual Festival du Bois.
Last, in December, Anita Rochon and Malcolm Dow partnered in Mortified at Studio 58.