Team selection

Our team is made up of four people. Four different and unique characters, just like you and your friends. I asked each of them to pick out their favorite show from this season. I didn’t have to “fix” their choices in any way; I simply ranked them in the same order as our programming! Each of them naturally identified a show resonating with their very own sensibilities. Each of them offers her very unique perspective, so you can be sure to fit your needs with our 2019-20 theatre season.
The choice of Faustine, Communications Officer
I am eagerly looking forward to THIS show:
Adieu Monsieur Haffman
The reason why I am so excited:
As a young French woman just arrived in Canada, I naturally turned to Adieu Monsieur Haffmann. Finding here in Vancouver a French play, multi Molière award winner, was unexpected!
The German occupation during the Second World War is a milestone part of the deep-rooted-culture and part of me. But approaching it from this angle, with both humour and subtlety, I must confess I fell under the spell. Unforeseen but human, the author finds a balance between comical satire, fiction and historical reminders. The gloom and tragedy of the time still transpires in the burlesque of the different scenes.
How it fits so perfectly within the 2019-20 season theme:
Adieu Monsieur Haffmann is the first show this season. This is clearly a reflection of our past, one that we must not forget at any cost and from which we must learn from. We therefore begin our journey through time on Chronos’ back with a fitting reminder of the duty of remembrance!
Besides, the play explores commitment and courage against the backdrop of a strange deal related to the human condition. I believe this universal dimension provided by the author is in harmony with this 2019-20 season theme at La Seizième.
The choice of Gaëlle, Administrative Director
I am eagerly looking forward to THIS show:
I am really looking forward to seeing Gametes. I like the fast-paced punchy style of Rebecca Déraspe. Her two female characters are both very human and heartwarming. The show gave me food for thoughts. And also, I found the scenography quite beautiful, I can’t wait to see the set at Studio 16.
The reason why I am so excited:
The issues we discuss are very topical and close to my own concerns. We go back to some of the themes addressed in Des Arbres, presented in 2017-18, or Baby-Sitter last year; this allows us to pursue our reflexion on gender and stereotypical roles, parenthood, success, etc…
Gametes is a game of verbal jousting between two childhood friends. Whoever has a trusted person he can speak his heart to can appreciate the therapeutics of such conversations. This play made me laugh, cringe, and think. In short, it caught my attention and kept me enthralled throughout, and that’s what I love about theatre.
How it fits so perfectly within the 2019-20 season theme:
Our society is constantly changing, it is evolving. The same goes for our ideas, our questions, and our feelings. We build ourselves through our experiences and these are part of time. Through glimpses of their past, we get to understand our two girlfriends, the women they have become and where their fears and ambitions come from. For me, Gametes literally makes us travel through time, because it embarks us on Chronos’ back over the course of these two lives.
The choice of Sarah, Programming Agent (Audience Officer)
I am eagerly looking forward to THIS show:
NoShow Vancouver for sure! I was fortunate enough to attend two representations of the original version (one in Quebec, another in France), and I am really looking forward to seeing the adaptation starring the young and talented artists from Vancouver. I arrived in Canada a year ago and I do know how incredible an opportunity it is to host this show here!
The reason why I am so excited:
What a joy it is to present such a unique show! This show is so funny and yet interesting it will make a lot of noise. Several subjects hit close to home, such as: can we live off our passion without hitting a wall? Can we be artists and no longer have to defend ourselves to others? Is Art necessary to survive? With no spoilers, I might say: If you enjoy theatre, and if you sometimes experience difficulty engaging others to attend shows, then now is a good time to talk about Le NoShow Vancouver!
How it fits so perfectly within the 2019-20 season theme:
This show raises many questions, for example: what is the meaning of time in theater? Months of writing and rehearsals to create an hour and a half of performance? How long do you remember a show? Weeks, years? One thing is for sure, you’ll be talking about this one for quite a while!
The choice of Esther, artistic director and general manager
I am eagerly looking forward to THIS show:
We Love Arabs
The reason why I am so excited:
I first saw We Love Arabs at the Carrefour international de théâtre de Québec in 2017 and I immediately fell in love with it, as did the hundreds of other spectators in the room that evening! This encounter between an Israeli choreographer and an Arabian dancer is rich in meaning and full of metaphors. First, we observe the intricacies in the balance of power between a choreographer and a dancer. In a profession de facto involving the interpreters’ body, what is considered appropriate, what is not, where should the line be drawn? Then, to this balance of power is added the political, cultural and historical background of individuals. When a Jewish leads an Arab, who comes out on top? Is the balance thrown off? All this resonates with the #metoo movement and the ongoing reflexion on colonization and reconciliation here in Canada. And the best part is that the show is far from being heavy; I remember laughing a lot and walking out of the theatre with a strong feeling of hope and confidence in the future.
How it fits so perfectly within the 2019-20 season theme:
I thought it would be interesting to start off the season with a play on Nazism (Adieu, Monsieur Haffman) and to end it in Israel today, since the Israeli state was created following the Second World War. It is a powerful reminder that the past affects the future; and so does the present. I believe this future is being built before us with We Love Arabs. This attempt at collaboration between two warring brothers, with its clumsiness, unease, but also the beauty and light it conveys, paves the way for a better understanding between peoples.