Spotlights on our artists – Fall 2019

This fall, many projects are emerging for the artists at la Seizième!
Anaïs Pellin is currently in creative residency in Sutton, Québec, to further develop the object theater show Clémentine. She is working with actress Anne-Marie Levasseur, scenographer Julie Vallée-Léger, and director Francis Monty, artistic director at Théâtre de la Pire Espèce. The team will showcase their work to a second-year class at École Saint-Jean-Baptiste-de-la-salle in Montreal on Monday, November 4.
Joey Lespérance (Bonjour, là, bonjour, Le Soulier) and Emilie Leclerc (Unité Modèle, Le NoShow Vancouver), will both be cast in Holiday at the Elbow Room Café, produced by ZeeZee theatre. This show will be performed from December 10th to 29th, at the Cultch historic theatre.
Nathan Metral, soon to be discovered in Le NoShow Vancouver, is writing two short films. Falling, the short film starring him as Frenchy, is also in production.
Hubert Lemire, François Bernier, and Alexandre Fecteau, three creators of the NoShow, are developing EL NOSHOW MÉXICO, a Mexican adaptation to be released on November 27. This production by EL INGENIO DE CALDERO will be played for 30 nights at Teatro Helenico. From November 21 to December 7, Hubert will also be on stage at Cercle Molière in Winnipeg in Dis merci by Joe Jack & John theatre.
France Perras, Anaïs Pellin, and Esther Duquette will be training at the Banff Centre for the Arts from November 17. They will respectively study tragicomic acting with Louis Fortier, scenic writing for object manipulation with Olivier Ducas and Francis Monty, and staging with Denise Guilbault. This internship is supported by the Association des théâtres francophones du Canada (ATFC) in collaboration with the Banff Centre for Arts and Creativity and the National Theatre School of Canada (NTS).
Lyne Barnabe, whom you have seen in several of our productions at Théâtre La Seizième (Le périmètre, Bonjour, là, bonjour), has translated Foreign Radical by Theatre Conspiracy; the play will be presented this winter in Montreal, Ottawa, and Toronto. She keeps airing her monthly chronicles on the show “Tournée générale” on UNIS TV, and shot the web series Abigaëlle et la séduction prénatale this summer in Edmonton (series to be broadcast on UNIS TV).