How much are you willing to pay for your theatre ticket? As much as for a movie? A Grouse Moutain Skyride? A Canucks game? Or… nothing at all? It’s up to you! — A local adaptation of the international hit, Le NoShow Vancouver welcomes you into a playful and interactive experience where two ideas – the cost of theatre and its value as art – clash with predatory humour.
Production Théâtre la Seizième
in collaboration with Théâtre du Bunker and the Collective Nous Sommes ici
Original idea Alexandre Fecteau
Text François Bernier, Alexandre Fecteau, Hubert Lemire and the actors
Adaptation Hubert Lemire et François Bernier
Direction Hubert Lemire
Cast Chris Francisque, Siona Gareau-Brennan, Cory Haas, Emilie Leclerc, Nathan Metral, Frédérique Roussel, Anaïs West
Sound Olivier Gaudet-Savard
Lighting Renaud Pettigrew, in collaboration with Jeremy Baxter
Video Design Marilyn Laflamme, in collaboration with Gaëtan Nerincx
Video Consultant Flick Harrisson
Stage Manager Susan Miyagishima
Camera Gaëtan Nerincx